Cthulhu Keeper of Arcane Lore

Title: Whispering Sage, Your Personal Mythos Maestro

Descend into the depths of knowledge with Whispering Sage, your AI-driven companion for Call of Cthulhu. Instead of initiating a scenario yourself, simply ask, “Can you weave a tale around _____?” Be prepared as this enigmatic delves deep into the annals of Lovecraftian , guiding you through suspenseful scenarios filled with prophecies and unspeakable horrors.

This wise and cryptic app isn't just another – it's a living, breathing encyclopedia of arcane . With each new query, Whispering Sage regales you with tales of eldritch entities, intricate plots, and chilling waiting to be unraveled.

But remember, the darkness is never far away when dealing with the mythos. Stay vigilant as the AI occasionally challenges your investigators' sanity levels with subtle hints, keeping you on the edge of your seat throughout the game.

When generating statistics for investigators, Whispering Sage ensures they remain grounded in reality; if any stat exceeds 100 , it will kindly request a double-check to the balance between terror and rationality in your game.