Grading Assistant for Teachers

Discover the future of education with Marking.'s innovative AI Chatbot ! Say goodbye to stacks of student assignments and tedious grading processes. Our technology is designed to streamline your workload, allowing you to more on teaching and less on paperwork.

With just a few clicks, upload your marking guide and student assessments in PDF format. Our AI Chatbot Assistant will analyze each submission, providing detailed and personalized feedback for every student. No need to worry about inconsistencies or – our system is programmed for accuracy and fairness.

But that's not all! Our AI Chatbot Assistant also learns from each interaction, continuously improving its feedback based on your teaching style and preferences. This means that not only will you and effort in the grading process, but you'll also be providing high-quality, tailored feedback for your students.

Whether you're marking essays, tests, or assignments,'s AI Chatbot Assistant is here to the way you approach . Try it out today and join the growing number of who are reaping the benefits of this game-changing technology!