
Non-profit Law Tutor

Meet your personalized non-profit law mentor, an AI chatbot app designed to elevate your understanding of this intricate legal field. Picture this: having a seasoned

2 Acre Studios GPT Directory

Welcome to your new digital companion, the 2 Acre Studios GPT Directory. Think of us as your personal tour guide in the expansive and intriguing

Talent Outreach Wizard

Title: Meet your Recruitment Sherpa, Talent Outreach Wizard Navigation the labyrinth of recruitment can be a daunting task, but with Talent Outreach Wizard by your

Hannah HR

Are you tired of constantly sifting through mountains of paperwork and emails when it comes to managing your HR needs? Meet Hannah HR – the

George’s Toolbox AI

Are you tired of spending countless hours trying to figure out how to fix that broken appliance or car problem? Look no further than George’s