research companion

VC Lab Thesis Assistant

In the fast-paced world of business and academia, ideas are the currency that fuels progress. But sifting through endless data to find a winning concept

PubMed Buddy

In an age where information is the new currency, meet your personal research companion – PubMed Buddy. This AI-driven chatbot app is designed to make

Biotech Patent Research Assistant

In an era where knowledge is power, meet your new intellectual partner – the Biotech Patent Research Assistant, your personal AI-driven research companion. This cutting-edge

ClimateCorrelator for Eco-Research

In a world where information is abundant but time is scarce, meet your new eco-research companion – ClimateCorrelator. Picture this: you’re an environmental scientist with

Science Scout

In an age where knowledge is power, Science Scout is your personal research companion, meticulously sifting through the labyrinth of scientific literature to uncover insights

Science Answers

Step into a world where curiosity knows no bounds and knowledge is just a conversation away. Welcome to Science Answers, your personal AI-powered research companion.