
GPT Shield

In the vibrant digital realm, where conversations flow effortlessly between humans and their AI counterparts, enter GPT Shield – your chatbot’s silent guardian. This innovative

Security Testing

Amidst the digital labyrinth of our interconnected world, lies an unseen guardian. An advanced AI chatbot, engineered to safeguard your virtual realm from intrusions and

Threat Model Companion

In the digital landscape where data is king and connections are endless, the need for a reliable and intelligent companion to safeguard your virtual domain

Human Security from Journalism

“Embrace a New Era of Empowerment – The Journalist’s Lens on Safety” This cutting-edge app unites the rigor of data journalism with the mission to

Online Scam Detector

Title: Vigilant Digital Guardian Keywords: Scam Protection, Verification, Communication Safety In this digital age where fraudulent activities run rampant, we bring you a vigilant ally


In the hustle and bustle of modern life, information overload can be a real challenge. Enter FOIA Aid, your personal AI-powered assistant designed to streamline

AnovaLink Vertical Integration Expert

In the heart of your digital life, a new conversation companion awaits. Meet AnovaLink Vertical Integration Expert, your personal AI-driven concierge designed to streamline communication

Investidor Tech, IA e Blockchain

Title: ConversAI – The Intelligent Chatbot for Modern Businesses Are you tired of answering repetitive customer queries day in and day out? Do you struggle

Medical Record Analyzer

In an era where technology and healthcare are intertwining like never before, meet your personal medical ally – MindHealer, your AI-driven chatbot companion. No more